Shelf Confidence
Shelf Confidence is a podcast brought to you by the Pennsylvania Food Merchants Association that focuses on trends and innovation in the food and beverage retail industry.
Shelf Confidence
PA Independent Grocers
In this episode of Shelf Confidence, we’re joined by a panel of Pennsylvania’s independent grocery leaders—Andrea Karns (Karns Quality Foods), Tom Charley (Charley Family Shop'N Save), and Seth Weaver (Weaver’s of Wellsville). Together, we discuss the unique challenges and opportunities facing independent grocers, from evolving consumer trends to sustainability and community engagement. Gain insights into how these local businesses thrive in a competitive landscape and shape the future of food retail.
Andrea Karns, CEO, Karns Quality Foods
Tom Charley, Owner, Charley Family Shop'N Save
Seth Weaver, Vice President Sales Business Development, Weaver’s of Wellsville
#ShelfConfidence #IndependentGrocers #LocalFoodRetail #PAgrocers #CommunityEngagement #SustainableRetail #FoodIndustryInsights #GroceryLeaders #ShopLocal #IndustryInnovation
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